Presidential 2022: Nicolas Sarkozy and Lionel Jospin will vote for Emmanuel Macron

Former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy and former socialist prime minister Lionel Jospin said on Tuesday they would vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election.

In a long Facebook post, also shared on his Twitter account, Nicolas Sarkozy backed up his choice to vote for the current president by saying “he is, in the current state of things, the only one in a position to act”. He also invited the right to join him in this vote: “loyalty to the values ​​of the republican right and to our culture of government must lead us to respond to Emmanuel Macron’s call for a rally in view of the presidential election. .”

Remove Marine Le Pen

A choice also shared by Lionel Jospin who declared in a press release: “In the second round of the election to the presidency of the Republic, on Sunday April 24, the country being confronted with two movements of rejection, I will dismiss Marine Le Pen and I will vote for Emmanuel Macron”.

As a reminder, in 2002, the former Prime Minister was dismissed in the first round against Jean-Marie Le Pen and Jacques Chirac.

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