Presidential 2022: the LR mayor of Cannes gives his sponsorship to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

An astonishing decision for the elected right, supports Valérie Pécresse in this campaign. He explained that he made this decision “out of civic concern” and “so that demagogues do not play the victim”. David Lisnard recalled that he “hardly fought the convictions” of the rebellious candidate, adding nevertheless that he had to “be able to compete”.

The sponsorship race

The president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) however assures “that sponsorships are not worth support”. “If Jean-Luc Mélenchon, or Marine Le Pen, who has a long-standing presence with a major political party and who is second in the polls, or Éric Zemmour who has a dynamic, could not present themselves, that would be a serious attack on democracy”, he also justified.

Sponsorship is welcome for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He is one of the candidates who have not yet obtained a sufficient number as the March 4 deadline approaches. The leader of rebellious France has so far only 370 initials, despite his 10% voting intentions.

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