Presidential 2022: what would be Marine Le Pen’s first measure at the Elysée?

As the first round of the presidential election approaches on April 10, some candidates have already announced their first measure if they reach the Elysée. This is the case of Marine Le Pen, candidate for the National Rally.

During her appearance on the program “Ask for the program” on CNEWS, Marine Le Pen felt that “France was no longer a land of immigration”. When she spoke, she gave a signal. “If you want to come to France, you have to submit to the rules. If you don’t, you’ll go home immediately.”

Therefore, if she manages to become the first President of the Republic, Marine Le Pen would like to initiate a “referendum on immigration”.

A modification of the Constitution will be proposed to the French, which would imply the possibility of integrating provisions into the law, which current law prohibits.

A wide range of measures

This referendum bill on immigration and foreign status contains in particular the impossibility of regularizing a foreigner in an irregular situation, except in exceptional cases. But also “the prosecution and conviction of people who provide direct or indirect assistance to foreigners who attempt to enter the territory illegally”.

Juris soli will be abolished, while the transmission of French nationality “will, for the most part, be possible only by descent”. The automatic acquisition of French nationality by marriage “will end” and naturalization will be “framed by very strict conditions”.

Measures that would accompany a policy based on the national priority for access to employment and housing. In addition, social benefits would be reserved for French people or people who have worked for 5 years.

After losing many of her supporters at the start of her campaign, Marine Le Pen has been steadily rising in the polls for several weeks.

According to the latest OpinionWay barometer for CNEWS, the candidate of the National Rally would be credited with 22% of voting intentions on April 10, the date of the first round. A score that is close to that of candidate president Emmanuel Macron, estimated at 27% of the vote.

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