Presidential 2027: the meticulous preparation of Laurent Wauquiez

Alexandre Chauveau, edited by Laura Laplaud

The run-off campaign for the Republican presidency continues on the right. Éric Ciotti will be at a public meeting in Paris on Friday evening and can count on the presence of Laurent Wauquiez. But the president of the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region is planning beyond and has already set the course for 2027.

Éric Ciotti or Bruno Retailleau, who will be the future president of the Les Républicains party? Éric Ciotti will be in a public meeting in Paris on Friday evening with Laurent Wauquiez at his side. The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region who has only one date in mind: 2027.

In 2027, it will be Marine Le Pen “or me”

He is already preparing meticulously. By 2027, “every day counts”, confides in private Laurent Wauquiez. The regional president passed his turn in 2022, but this time says he is determined to get into the race, convinced that after ten years of macronism, the next president will not come from the current majority.

His main opponent is therefore, according to him, Marine Le Pen, whose victory he doubts in five years. “It will be her or me!” Summarizes the former minister in a formula. But Laurent Wauquiez does not intend to put an end to his media diet, refusing to comment on the multiplication of controversies.

Laurent Wauquiez connects immersions in the field

The former president of the Republicans works above all on his presidential program and for this connects immersions in the field. 24 hours in a hospital in Valence, in a Michelin factory in Roanne, in a high school or with a team from the BAC in the suburbs of Lyon, Laurent Wauquiez finally matures a reflection on the functioning of institutions, which he considers breathless. Among his tracks, the regular use of referendums on a whole series of subjects to limit the power of the supervisory authorities, which he considers partly responsible for the feeling of dispossession of the French.

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