Presidential election: “A victory for Marine Le Pen should no longer be dismissed out of hand”, assures Jérôme Fourquet

Emmanuel Macron made the choice of the field. Despite the whistles and saucepans, the head of state is increasing his travels to try to appease the country, after the promulgation of the pension reform, massively rejected by the French. But his popularity rating is at an all-time low. On the eve of May Day, which promises to be marked by a strong mobilization throughout the country, Jérôme Fourquet, department director at Ifop and author of The French Archipelago (Seuil), was the guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d’Europe 1 / CNews / Les Echos.

According to the political scientist, “the hypothesis of a victory for Marine Le Pen [à la prochaine élection présidentielle] is a hypothesis on which we must floor, a hypothesis that we must no longer dismiss out of hand”.

“41.5% of the votes in the second round, 89 deputies in the Assembly, we can no longer rule out the hypothesis of a victory”

“We considered that the step was much too high to cross until 2022”, explained Jérôme Fourquet “but when it reached 41.5% of the votes in the second round of the presidential election, and a few weeks later, 89 deputies of the National Rally (RN) are entering the Assembly, reasonably, we can no longer rule out the hypothesis of a victory”, he indicated before specifying that this “does not mean that it will occur”.

Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating at its lowest

Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating has fallen to 26%, its lowest level, according to a BVA poll for RTL. 74% of French people believe that the head of state “was wrong to promulgate the law quickly” and fear that this decision “stirs up social anger”. This choice, among others, could also lead Marine Le Pen to the Élysée. The National Rally appears to be the political force that is benefiting the most from this political and social crisis.

“There are obviously always things that can be improved on the image of Marine Le Pen, but an election is both someone who presents himself to the French, but also a comparison”, explained the director of department at Ifop. “Many French people no longer outclass her, so the structural handicap which was hers in terms of credibility is gradually fading and at the same time she continues and her party continues to have a somewhat special status which is that of the party of outsiders.”

According to Jérôme Fourquet, “there is always a whole section of French people who would be totally horrified at the prospect of a victory for Marine Le Pen.”

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