Presidential: Eric Zemmour desperately seeks rural

Diagonal of the void

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Presidential Election 2022case

The far-right candidate and his team are increasing their trips to peripheral France to try to grab some sponsorships… and break their image of a Parisian “intellectual”.

Eric Zemmour may not have the gift of ubiquity, but he has Gilbert Collard. It’s worth what it’s worth, you might say. Still, thanks to the National Rally defector, the far-right presidential candidate has a footing in certain rural areas, which he sorely misses. Thus, on Saturday, while the polemicist was in operation seduction in Saulieu in Burgundy, the former RN deputy from Gard was campaigning in Lozère to promote the Reconquest party.

In Mende, the prefecture of the least populated department of France, Gilbert Collard said he wanted “show our political interest in the forgotten territories”, reports Free lunch. We imagine that collecting a few sponsorships from local elected officials would not be refused. Which is anything but a trivial matter for the former journalist of the Figaro, which struggles to print on themes related to rurality. The Rurality Movement (LMR), known until 2019 as Hunting, Fishing, Nature and Tradition, disavows Eric Zemmour’s policy. With rare exceptions: this Tuesday one of the elected…

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