Presidential: for Roussel, Taubira’s ideas have “rather hurt the left”

Manon Fossat

On Europe Matin Monday, the PCF candidate in the presidential election, Fabien Roussel, returned to the fracture of the left a few months before the presidential election and on the potential candidacy of Christiane Taubira. He considered that “his idea of ​​social democracy has rather hurt the left”.

Three months before the first round of the presidential election, the candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF) and candidate Fabien Roussel was the guest of Europe Matin on Monday. Asked about the fracture of the left and the potential candidacy of Christiane Taubira, he assured that he was “not certain” that the latter could embody a single candidacy on the left.

“I know Christiane Taubira, she was a candidate in the 2002 presidential election, she was minister under Hollande, I remember that when we demonstrated against the El Khomri law or the Macron ordinances she was more in support of the government and not of the employees while these laws have done a lot of harm to the world of work. It defends an idea of ​​the left and of social democracy which according to my analysis have rather harmed the left, “he said.

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