Presidential: Hollande, “not yet a candidate”, will speak

Ten years after his election, is François Hollande preparing his return? With the facetiousness that we know him, the former President of the Republic maintained the mystery during a conversation with high school students whose images were broadcast on Sunday evening on France 3. “For the moment, I am not candidate, you noticed, ”he replied in particular to a high school student.

François Hollande then notes the crisis that his camp is going through, and even the whole of the left. “As things are not going well, it is true that we could say to ourselves “would one more application be useful?” ; I don’t know, I don’t think so…” But the former head of state sows doubt. “I have the same ideas as before, he says, I continue to defend them, and a former president can very well go back to politics and, it happened, be a candidate for the presidential election. »

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“Soon” a speech

This cryptic message will be “soon” clearer, François Hollande promising to speak quickly. Questioned this Monday by our colleagues from RTL, the mayor of Paris, candidate for the Socialist Party, pointed out that “first of all, François Hollande, whom (she) sees

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