Presidential: Macron, after the “phew” of relief

VShe persistent and unpleasant feeling of having (a little) doubted… This time, the bullet was not in the cylinder. The score is large enough to reassure, not quite to say, with hindsight, that the risk did not exist at all. In A hero of our time, of Mikhaïl Lermontov – where is the first story of Russian roulette in literature -, the audience wonders, after the first shot is not fired, if the gun was not blocked, or if the powder was not not wet…

What will we say for this election? Basically, it doesn’t matter, the question is the one posed by Lieutenant Voulitch in A hero of our time, the first to have tried, therefore: “Can a man voluntarily dispose of his life? »

“Morbid fascination for withdrawal, for the extreme, for…

Illustration: dusault for “the point”

The editorial staff advises you

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