Presidential: Marine Le Pen only wants to debate with Emmanuel Macron or Jean Castex

Europe 1 with AFP
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4:19 p.m., March 14, 2022

Marine Le Pen has indicated that she is ready to debate only with the ruling President Emmanuel Macron, or his Prime Minister Jean Castex. The president of the National Rally believes that Valérie Pécresse (LR), Éric Zemmour (Reconquête!) or Jean-Luc Mélenchon do not have her “electoral level”.

Marine Le Pen (RN) does not wish to debate for the presidential election with her rivals Valérie Pécresse (LR), Éric Zemmour (Reconquest!) or Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), “given (his) electoral level” in the polls , but only with Emmanuel Macron or Jean Castex. “Given our electoral level, we will not debate with Valérie Pécresse, nor with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, nor with Éric Zemmour. We agree to debate with Emmanuel Macron, or failing that with Prime Minister Jean Castex, representative of the executive who would then be accountable for Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet,” the entourage of the National Rally candidate told AFP, confirming information from the daily Le Parisien.

“I’m not afraid of the debate”, launches Valérie Pécresse

In the North, on Friday, Marine Le Pen had judged “pathetic” the debate the day before between Éric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse, “growth hormone of abstention”, deploring that they did not speak of “the aggravation terrible purchasing power”. “It does not make you want to debate with either of them,” she added, seeing in their joust “two right-wing leaders who were fighting over the corpse of the right”.

“When we shirk the debate, it is undoubtedly that we are afraid of it. Me, I am not afraid of the debate”, estimated for her part Valérie Pécresse Monday during a press conference. “I managed to demonstrate to Eric Zemmour his closeness to (Russian President) Vladimir Putin, his zero immigration slogan and his powerlessness to enforce the measures he wants to put in place,” she argued. , considering carrying a project “of credible alternation to Emmanuel Macron” contrary to “those who have discredited themselves by their proximity to Vladimir Poutine”.

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