Presidential: “Marine Le Pen’s project is racist, draconian and hyper-authoritarian”

Invited to Europe Matin on Friday, the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Clémentine Autain, returned to the defeat of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election and to his call not to yield any votes to Marine Le Pen for the second round against Emmanuel Macron. She considered that the RN candidate’s project is a “racist, withdrawal and hyper-authoritarian” project.

A “break” linked “to his racist and withdrawal project”

Marine Le Pen’s program is a very liberal program economically. She gives herself social airs and the feeling of being on the side of the people, but this is not the reality of her concrete measures”, asked the MP before detailing. “She is not for the increase in the minimum wage , it is not for the increase in the RSA, it is for the national preference which means tipping millions of people into extreme poverty.

But for Clémentine Autain, there will be no “break” on the economic level compared to the policies of the past 30 years. According to her, the break will take place at the level of the project of the RN candidate. “The break will be at the level of the racist project, of withdrawal, and xenophobia, which is carried by Marine Le Pen, all her allies and all the people who work with her”, she denounced.

“I don’t want a Trump or a Bolsonaro at the head of the country”

The LFI deputy also felt that “the great replacement” which is “at the heart of the whole vision of the far right”, is a reading of society. “The extreme right is obsessed with Muslims, and behind the Muslims in reality are the Arabs. So Marine Le Pen wants to divide the people and has racist comments,” she said before continuing. “Valérie Pécresse, for example, has also followed in the footsteps of the far right on many of her proposals,” she said, referring to her desire to double the sentences in sensitive neighborhoods.

“Let’s be clear, Marine Le Pen’s project is liberticidal, racist, hyper-authoritarian, and I don’t want a Trump, a Bolsonaro or an Orban – who are his models – at the head of the country “, concluded the deputy LFI.

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