According to the Constitutional Council website, which publishes the progress of sponsorships twice a week, President Emmanuel Macron already has 529 sponsorships, although he is the only one on the list not to be an official candidate. .
He is the only one who can present himself officially, and yet he is not (yet) a candidate. According to the website of the Constitutional Council, which publishes twice a week the progress of sponsorships, President Emmanuel Macron has already reached the sacrosanct 500 sponsorships essential to submit to the vote of the French. In detail, the head of state collects 529 signatures from elected officials, including 424 additional since Tuesday.
Deadline March 4 at 6 p.m.
Despite a campaign that seems to be stagnating, Valérie Pécresse has already received the support of 324 elected officials, including 290 since Tuesday. Anne Hidalgo can count on 266 elected officials, against 159 for Fabien Roussel. Then come Jean Lassalle (124) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (100). Éric Zemmour has 58 signatures and Marine Le Pen 35. Christiane Taubira has received 8 signatures. The entire ranking can be found on the website of the Constitutional Council.
As a reminder, candidates must imperatively have 500 sponsorships of elected officials before Friday March 4 at 6 p.m. Otherwise, their application will not be valid.
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