Presidential: one of the candidates begins his campaign with … a summons from the police

Philippe Poutou is under investigation for his October 2021 statements on “the police (who) kill”. The convocation of the NPA presidential candidate scheduled for Tuesday, March 8 has however been postponed indefinitely due to the election.

A few minutes after the official announcement of the list of 12 candidates for the presidential election by the Constitutional Council on Monday March 7, Philippe Poutou took to his Twitter account to post a message. “Officially a candidate… and summoned by the police”wrote the NPA presidential candidate.

His party has indeed announced in a press release that Philippe Poutou “recently received a summons to be heard by the police (Tuesday) as part of an investigation into “public insult to a public administration“”. “The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin therefore seems to have carried out his threats, he who announced that he was filing a complaint against Philippe Poutou after he had denounced the violence and police crimes”, continued the far-left party. But this summons, dated February 4, was finally postponed indefinitely due to electionAFP learned on Monday from concordant sources.

“Philippe Poutou is in the sights of a power that is ready to do anything to intimidate”

Philippe Poutou was to be auditioned for comments he made on October 13, 2021. “The police kill, of course the police kill”, said the former Ford worker . “Steve (Maia Caniço) in Nantes, in Marseille during a Yellow Vests “demonstration”, a lady who was closing her shutters, Rémi Fraisse a few years ago… We would have to see the figures precisely, but in working-class neighborhoods, it’s about fifteen young people who are killed by the police every year”, he added. Remarks that he repeated the next day on BFMTV, specifying that it was “a reality”but that the police did not kill “not deliberately” and that he had no “never said that”. An exit which had angered the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, who had announced a complaint.

In its statement of Monday, March 7, the NPA estimated that “Philippe Poutou is in the sights of a power that, between the dissolutions of organizations and repeated complaints, is ready to do anything to intimidate and silence any critical voice. But we tell Gérald Darmanin and Emmanuel Macron: we are here, and we will not be silenced!”concluded the text.


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© Patrick Bernard – Jean-Bernard Nadeau

2/12 –

Philippe Poutou
A few minutes after the official announcement of the list of 12 candidates for the presidential election by the Constitutional Council on Monday March 7, Philippe Poutou took to his Twitter account to post a message.

© Laetitia Notarianni

3/12 –

Philippe Poutou
“Officially a candidate… and summoned by the police,” wrote the NPA presidential candidate.

© Patrick Bernard

4/12 –

Philippe Poutou
His party announced in a press release that Philippe Poutou “recently received a summons to be heard by the police (Tuesday) as part of an investigation for “public insult to a public administration””


5/12 –

Philippe Poutou
But this summons, dated February 4, was finally postponed indefinitely due to the election, AFP learned on Monday from concordant sources.


6/12 –

Philippe Poutou
Philippe Poutou was to be auditioned for comments he made on October 13, 2021


7/12 –

Philippe Poutou
“The police kill, obviously the police kill”, declared Philippe Poutou


8/12 –

Philippe Poutou
Remarks which he had reiterated the next day on BFMTV, specifying that it was “a reality”, but that the police did not kill “deliberately” and that he had “never said that”.

© Patrick Bernard – Jean-Bernard Nadeau

9/12 –

Philippe Poutou
An exit which had angered the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin who had announced a complaint.


10/12 –

Philippe Poutou
In its press release of this Monday, March 7, the NPA considered that “Philippe Poutou is in the sights of a power which, between the dissolutions of organizations and repeated complaints, is ready to do anything to intimidate and silence any voice critical.”


11/12 –

Philippe Poutou
“But we say it to Gérald Darmanin and Emmanuel Macron: we are here, and we will not be silenced!”, Concluded the text.

© Patrick Bernard

12/12 –

Philippe Poutou
Philippe Poutou is a presidential candidate

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