Presidential: to reconnect with young people, the candidates face 12 proposals

Put young people at the center of the debates. The association for young people from rural areas and small and medium-sized towns “Chemins d’avenirs” unveils its “2022 Youth Contract” on Tuesday, addressed to candidates for the presidential election, which contains 12 proposals to renew dialogue between young people and the country. “Because the election crystallizes the questions that a country asks itself and it is high time to go beyond the clichés concerning an irresponsible or sacrificed youth, we, actors in the field, have decided to propose a contract between the youth of France and the future President of the Republic”, explains the text.

100 young people will interview several candidates

In partnership with 28 structures of the social and solidarity economy, which represent more than three million young people, these “transpartisan proposals aim to be applicable to each young person”, detailed to AFP the founder of Chemins d’ future Salome Berlioux. On the occasion of the “Candidates and young people” event, co-organized by the association and France Inter, which will take place all day Tuesday, 100 young people will interview several candidates, including Éric Zemmour, Christiane Taubira, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Marine Le Pen, Fabien Roussel and Valérie Pécresse.

The latter “will leave with the contract under their arm” and “we will meet them later so that they sign it and commit to implementing the proposals”, continued Salomé Berlioux. Among these: a young capital from 18 years old, a rural innovation campus per region to strengthen the attractiveness of the territories, a right to connection to reduce the digital divide, set up youth health prevention teams, simplify the orientation assistance, creating a national Erasmus, strengthening the civic engagement path for young people, etc.

The demonstration of the attention paid to young people

“Candidates, candidates (…), by signing this contract (…) you are demonstrating the attention you pay to the younger generations. Without trial of intent, without condescension, without self-pity. But with great and noble determination. From today, we are waiting for your signatures”, call the authors of the contract.

“At a time in the campaign when we are waiting for concrete proposals, particularly with regard to young people, the refusal to sign will not go unnoticed by the millions of young people who are part of the associations that Chemins d’avenirs has mobilized”, warned Salomé Berlioux.

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