Presidential: what are the risks of a non-campaign?

Gauthier Delomez
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6:54 p.m., March 14, 2022

The presidential campaign is unfolding as best it can, during a time of war in Ukraine and a health crisis. In the program “Europe Midi Week-end”, the editorialist of “Figaro” Yves Thréard believes that this non-campaign could have repercussions after the election, where there is a risk of “disorder”.

Health crisis, war in Ukraine … The dense news of recent times has disrupted the presidential campaign, so much so that some believe that there will be no room for debates between now and the first round, on April 10 . According to Yves Thréard, assistant editor of the Figaro, the risk of a non-campaign could be felt after the election. “What a lot of people are saying is that because there hasn’t been a debate, we risk having a ‘yellow vest’ style phenomenon during the next mandate”, advances the editorialist in the Political Zoom Out ofEurope Midday Weekend.

Whoever the president, there are demonstrations, opposition

The author of the book A certain idea of ​​France at Éditions du Rocher details his analysis at the microphone of Thierry Dagiral: “In any case, France is a country which is viscerally protesting, and if you look closely under the Fifth Republic, whoever the president, two years or one year and half after his election, it’s starting to be complicated for him, with street demonstrations, opposition.” Yves Thréard refers in particular to the movement of “yellow vests”, which enamelled the territory from November 2018, a year and a half after the election of Emmanuel Macron.

The editorialist continues by considering that “each time, there was still a president who was a little prevented from implementing a reform or from reforming the country”. For him, whether there is a real companion or not, “whatever happens, there will be disorder, we are like that”, affirms Yves Thréard in Europe Midday Weekend.

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