Presidential: with “strong breakthrough objects”, Emmanuel Macron is preparing to launch

The campaign finally launched?

The imminent entry into the running of Emmanuel Macron could, according to pollsters, give clarity to a campaign still “confused” for many voters six weeks before the first round. “This can change things and make the campaign really open,” said Bernard Sananès, president of the Elabe Institute. He recalled that “the intentions of the French to vote are still 4 to 5 points lower than those of 2017” at the same period.

In the midst of the crisis between Ukraine and Russia, the Head of State has postponed the question of his candidacy as close as possible to the deadline set by the Constitutional Council on March 4, even if he already has the necessary sponsorship to formally enter the race. The exact date of the announcement of the candidacy of the outgoing president is not yet known.

Brice Teinturier, Deputy CEO of Ipsos, notes for his part “a kind of difficulty for the French to enter this campaign”, like their president. He pointed to France Inter a “lack of clarity” due in particular to the absence of Emmanuel Macron. “We are still waiting for Emmanuel Macron’s candidacy, even if it is not a mystery, but above all for what he is going to announce so that there is a controversy which will gradually take hold,” said he explained.

Make the difference

A minister understands that Emmanuel Macron, already identified as “an economic reformer”, could invest in his future program in areas such as education, culture, youth, social cohesion and the climate. According to this source, “the idea is to have a few strong breaking objects, a few markers” to stand out.

Pending Emmanuel Macron, an Elabe poll for BFMTV and L’Express confirms the dynamics observed in recent weeks and above all gives the president the lead with 24.5% of voting intentions, as in all opinion polls carried out so far.

Revenge foretold

In this same survey, Marine Le Pen is placed in second position with 18% of intentions and widens the gap on her pursuers. This suggests the re-edition of the second round of 2017, where the head of state would win with less of a lead and 55% of the vote.

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