"Presidents": Jean Dujardin transformed into Nicolas Sarkozy for a film, the Web is not convinced: Current Woman The MAG

Jean Dujardin owes his popularity to his first performances in the troupe, We Ç Us. Through series of sketches, the young comedian of the time was already showing all its artistic palette. We remember, for example, the multiple interpretations of his emblematic character, Brice de Nice. Later in the cinema, Alexandra Lamy's ex-husband continued to prove that he was capable of marrying any metamorphosis. All the roles go there: a short man in A man up to the task, Judge Pierre Michel in French or even more recently a politician in the very controversial I accuse by Roman Polanski. In an upcoming comedy, Presidents Anne Fontaine, Jean Dujardin will play Nicolas Sarkozy, who has just been sentenced to three years in prison, one of which is suspended.

Internet users do not find that Jean Dujardin looks like Nicolas Sarkozy

Universal Pictures shared, Wednesday March 10, 2021 a first shot of the film – scheduled for the same year, on social networks. Jean Dujardin appears there in a suit and tie. Nathalie Péchalat's companion is standing next to the resident of the Comédie-Française, Grégory Gadebois, who will play François Hollande. Photography has not, however, convinced the Web. On Twitter, many believe that the resemblance between Jean Dujardin and Nicolas Sarkozy is far from obvious. "A man at the height "of Laurent Tirard, Dujardin already saw its reduced size. Why not use this very successful effect in a film where he plays the role of a short person? "," It is directed by Jean-Michel Apeuprès ","Nicolas Sarkozy height: 1m66 Jean Dujardin height: 1m83. The illusion is perfect ","It looks more like Holland there suddenly… as for the guy on the left … he doesn't look like anyone "," Ok … but then … Sarkozy …by far … with 15 kilos more"," Frankly for once it missed", we can read among the comments. It is true that there is not much in common between the actor and the former head of state, except the dress and the color of the hair. It remains to be seen if the gestures of Carla Bruni's husband will be reproduced on the screen.

>>> Click here to discover the photo of Jean Dujardin in the movie Presidents

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