Press comments on the championship: “There is only Bavaria!”

Press comments on the championship
“There is only Bavaria!”

FC Bayern celebrate their tenth championship in a row – an achievement unrivaled in the top European leagues. The international press gives recognition, but there are also critical voices.

FC Bayern is the German soccer champion for the tenth time in a row. No club in the top five European leagues had managed this before Munich. The international press writes:


Gazzetta dello Sport: “There is only Bavaria. The Nagelsmann fan has the European record. Tenth Bundesliga title in a row, it’s the first time in the top 5 leagues in Europe. (…) The Bayern fan Julian Nagelsmann has for the first time experienced the sweet taste of success and became German champion for the first time at an age when one normally retires or trains children.”

“Corriere dello Sport”: “Bayern party in the Bundesliga! Dortmund knockout, 32nd title. Bayern show no mercy and win their tenth title in a row.”


“marca”: “In the end, things turned out the way they had to. Bayern are champions. Ten years in a row. Good for Bayern, but bad news for the Bundesliga, which seems self-evident from the start. Bayern have won 31 Title won, all other teams together 28. Let the beer flow.”


“L’Equipe”: “A Bavarian decade. After the tenth championship in a row, FC Bayern would like above all to be able to compete at the highest European level again after two disappointing years. (…) In the packed Allianz Arena, the players wanted Julian Nagelsmann didn’t miss the chance in front of his own fans and against the most serious competitor in recent years.”


“The Sun”: “Decade of dominance. Bayern Munich clinch their tenth Bundesliga title in a row in style with a colossal win over Borussia Dortmund in The Classic.”


“View”: “Celebrate Munich! Because Dortmund lost the “top game” 1:3, Bayern have a twelve (!) point lead three rounds before the end. The last time Bayern didn’t win the championship, Barack Obama was still US President The European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize and Roger Federer won Olympic silver in London. Ten years have passed since then. The world is different now. The Bundesliga is not. Bayern are the undisputed number 1 there.”


ESPN: “On the pitch, Bayern need significantly better leadership in the long term. They have talented defenders, but they lack a natural authority figure on the defensive. This also applies off the pitch. Sometimes Nagelsmann was the only one who acted as a statesman/spokesman/diplomat had to cover all sorts of issues while Kahn and Salihamidzic were silent in comparison. Former President Uli Hoeneß, who isn’t popular everywhere outside the Bayernsphere, had a way of using his gargantuan status to take the pressure on himself.”

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