Pretzel or pretzel, which is correct?
Actually both designations can be correct, depending on which type of pretzel(l) is meant. In general, a distinction is made between the Swabian and the Bavarian variant.
In the Swabian “pretzel” the little arms are rather thin and the pretzel belly is incised on the surface. Their fat content is 3 to 10 percent.
the Bavarian “pretzel” has big arms, a torn surface on the stomach instead of the cut and a lower fat content of 3 percent.
Incidentally, the Bavarian variant was included in the European register of typical regional specialties in 2014 under the terms “Bayerische Breze”, “Bayerische Brez’n” and also “Bayerische Brezel” and has therefore been an EU-protected designation ever since.
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