PREVIEW Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR: an exciting and memorable experience!

Assassin’s Creed is a license that has evolved over time and across platforms. Ubisoft does not neglect players who appreciate VR and will offer an exclusive production to Meta Quest, Assassin’s Creed Nexus VRcoming on November 16. We had the chance to test this new adventure for a few minutesit’s time to tell you about it in this preview of the day.

The sensations are enjoyable.

We put the headset on our face, the image is displayed, and it must be said that we are instantly immersed in this universe. So of course, visually speaking, don’t expect to see a game worthy of a PS5 and its PSVR 2, but honestly, we found the graphics more than pleasant. The proportions are good, the textures are sharp, the depth field is great, in other words, for Meta Questwe have adored. On the other hand, the team clearly did not bother with the NPC by offering the same characters again and again in the streets. It’s quite disturbing at first to always see the same face… Clones, clones and more clones. However, after a few minutes, the player gets used to it. The animations also lack a bit of pep, but overall, it’s super clean to the peeper.

To vomit or not to vomit, that is the question… Well know that the game offers a lot of protection against heart disease, a little too much for our taste. We have vignetting, teleportation, sliding (classic in short), but Ubisoft added new movement functions where it is possible, for example, to easily climb the rope without turning your stomach, with short teleports. It’s quite strange, surprising, and not at all natural. For our part, as we are used to virtual reality, we have deactivated all protections. SO ? Well we didn’t get sick, but we still had a few uncomfortable feelings. And for good reason, there are so many things to do (especially during the course phases) that the brain can have difficulty keeping up. It will therefore take a little time to adapt for some; in the worst case and as said previously, you have various parameters that adapt to you so as not to vomit.

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR 04 23 09 2023In short, the gameplay is well thought out. During fights, we can counter by moving our hands (and therefore our weapon), anticipate opponent offensives, attack, etc. Everything responds well and is quite dynamic. The only problem is that the AI ​​is not fun and can lack responsiveness, some soldiers even wait their turn before fighting; not the first time we’ve seen this in a Assassin’s Creed. In addition, it is possible to approach an enemy discreetly or eliminate them in a single blow with our blades hidden in the handles. We can also distract him, by diverting his attention by throwing an object nearby, to knock him down. Let’s not beat around the bush, these moments are gripping, the sensations are enjoyable. And the Leap of Faith In all of this ? Same thing, it’s fun to think you’re an “Assassin” by jumping off a roof.

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It’s been a long time since we’ve been hyped for a virtual reality game. Yes, Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR knew how to give us some thrills of pleasure. The sensations are so excellent that we had difficulty letting go of the pads. Honestly, the title can even be a new showcase to sell helmets. It’s beautiful and really fun to handle. It remains to be seen whether the game will be enjoyable to play over time. For some, it will certainly be necessary to do sessions of a few minutes to breathe. In the meantime, we can’t wait to go back and slit the throats of some soldiers with our hidden blades!

Finally, if you would like to have more details on our experience, we invite you to view the replay of our liveavailable above.

You can purchase a Meta Quest headset at:

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