Preview: “Cold” in the first |

“Cold” in the first

“Cold”: Kindergarten teacher Kathleen (Franziska Hartmann, left) understands her concerns despite the rejection of her colleague Miriam (Svenja Hermuth).

© WDR/cineo film/Michael Kotschi

In the drama “Kalt” (Das Erste), a daycare trip ends tragically. Johannes B. Kerner presents celebrities in “You’ll never get it!” (ZDF) weird questions and with “The Taste” (RTL) unusual flavor combinations are in demand.

8:15 p.m., the first, cold, drama

The experienced educator Kathleen Selchow (Franziska Hartmann) takes over the management of the motley group of children on a trip to the nearby forest. The mood on this November day is exuberant and everyone is looking forward to the planned campfire after the hike. But suddenly, while counting, Kathleen notices that two children are missing. Jenny and Nico are gone! The colleagues Nina (Luise von Finckh) and Miriam (Svenja Hermuth), who ran in front and on the side, did not notice the disappearance either. A dramatic search with a tragic outcome begins.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, You’ll never get it!, Quiz show

Two prominent guessing teams play against each other in ten rounds for victory. They face unusual questions and crazy riddles about special people and unbelievable facts. There are Bülent Ceylan, Patricia Kelly, Katrin Müller-Hohenstein, Mathias Mester, Motsi Mabuse and Joachim Llambi. Creativity is required for the curious questions.

8:15 p.m., Sat.1, The Taste, cooking competition

With the guest judges Daniel Gottschlich and Hannes Radeck, the chefs can try out different flavor combinations today in team cooking. Whether sweet and salty or crispy and creamy – there are no limits to your creativity! Daniel’s secret ingredients guinea fowl, onglet and papada are then available for solo cooking. When cooking the decision, it’s “Now it’s dessert!”. Who is the best at combining six different flavors in one dessert spoon?

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, Ocean’s Twelve, crook comedy

Three years after his big casino coup, Danny Ocean (George Clooney) has a problem: Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia), the man he robbed, has tracked him down and is demanding his money back. With interest! Danny’s only chance of escaping with his life is to round up his old gang and pull off three impossible heists in Europe in the space of two weeks. But not only a Europol agent (Catherine Zeta-Jones) but also a mysterious master thief (Vincent Cassel) get in their way.

8:15 p.m., RTL, Mario Barth reveals! Outrage comedy

Every second, public money in Germany is thrown out the window with full hands. There are no limits to the madness of the authorities. But a team of prominent sleuths led by Mario Barth won’t stop resisting the squandering of taxpayers’ money.


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