Preview: “Family is a party – baptism alarm” in the first

“Family is a celebration – baptism alarm” in the first

“Family is a party – baptism alarm”: Viola (Amelie Kiefer) and Faraz Helmrich (Reza Brojerdi) get an unexpected call from Faraz’s parents.

© ARD Degeto / Martin Rottenkolber

When Viola and Faraz have their first child in “Familie ist ein Fest” (The First), their families clash. Ryan Reynolds is the mercenary with the big mouth in “Deadpool” (ProSieben). At RTLzwei the “Incredibles” use their magic for the FBI.

8:15 p.m., The First, Family is a Feast – Christening Alarm, Comedy

Viola (Amelie Kiefer) and Faraz (Reza Brojerdi) don’t need a marriage certificate to be a happy couple. Nor do religion, tradition or family play a special role in their relationship life. However, that changes suddenly with the birth of their first child. Now Faraz’s parents Masud (Ramin Yazdani) and Anoushe (Sima Seyed), who come from Iran, are reflecting on their roots and expressly wish for the ancestor to be circumcised based on their Muslim beliefs.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, Deadpool, superhero farce

Wade (Ryan Reynolds) is thrown completely off track by his cancer diagnosis and, in his desperation, receives a tempting offer from a seedy organization. In exchange for superpowers, his cancer should be cured. After the painful experiment, Wade has incredible strength, but is completely disfigured. As Deadpool, he sets out to get revenge on Ajax (Ed Skrein) – regardless of losses.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, Die Bossin: A question of morals, crime series

A corpse stolen from the cemetery is not yet a case for the homicide squad. But when an attack is carried out on the son of the posthumously kidnapped woman, Vera Lanz (Katharina Böhm) takes over the investigation. The tractor belonging to cattle farmer Mangfall (Max Schmidt) was put under high voltage, Mangfall was rescued at the last moment. The radical group Free Animal Militia FAM had been sending him death threats for weeks. Have the activists now crossed a line?

8:15 p.m., RTL two, The Unbelievable – Now You See Me, Thriller

“The Four Horsemen”, a group of magicians consisting of the illusionists Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) and Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher) amaze their viewers in Las Vegas with a spectacular Trick the world has not yet seen: The four rob a bank during their show. Using telepathy, a viewer is transported to his bank in Paris and operates a magical air duct that lets the money rain down directly on viewers in Las Vegas. This performance of the “incomprehensible” immediately calls the FBI and even Interpol on the scene.

8:15 p.m., arte, defective copy, tragic comedy

A young woman is frantically chasing across a bridge. A little girl desperately clings to her back. The woman – Karo (Claudia Eisinger) – manages to ruthlessly throw the child over the parapet into the dark waters below. A short time later, Karo hits her psychiatrist, disturbed. Life has not been going smoothly since the young woman lost her job a year ago. The fact that her boyfriend Philipp separates from her and that she has stress with her mother Luzi (Katja Riemann) doesn’t exactly help either. Haunted by one panic attack after the other, Karo sets out to investigate the cause of the soul.


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