Preview: “Murder Sisters – Crime is a family matter” in the first

“Murder Sisters – Crime is a family matter” in the first

“Murder Sisters – Crime is a Family Matter: Heroes”: Not far from the crime scene, Viktoria (Lena Dörrie) and Sami (Tamer Trasoglu) came across an interesting lead.

© ZDF/Sandra Hoever

A student is shot with a historical weapon in “Mordsistern” (ZDF). In “Objection, Honey!” (The First) a tricky divorce case is pending and in “2 Guns” (RTLzwei) two agents unknowingly have the same mission.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, Murder Sisters – Crime is a family matter: Heroes, crime series

Viktoria (Lena Dörrie) and Feli (Caroline Hanke) are called to an extraordinary case: in the forest of a Flensburg noble house lies the body of a Prussian soldier who was shot with a historical weapon. The dead man, Jan Toft (Henry Wendenburg), was writing his master’s thesis on the Prussian-Danish War and was found with an empty backpack and an expensive bicycle. The investigators are wondering whether there was also an illegal source of income in addition to his job at the Düppeler Schanzen museum.

8:15 p.m., The First, Objection, darling! – Among fathers, comedy

Lawyer Eva Schatz (ChrisTine Urwurf) enjoys her happiness in love with charming professional colleague Hanno (Wolfram Grandezka). The fact that Hanno’s 15-year-old daughter Lili (Lola Höller) still needs time to accept another woman at her father’s side doesn’t throw Eva off track. She sees the opportunity to get closer to Hanno by working together on a divorce case: her client Monika Reiter (Henrike von Kuick) is the mother of one of Lili’s classmates. The problems of Hans (Konrad Neidhardt), who is bullied by a schoolyard bully, play an important role in the breakdown of the marriage!

8:15 p.m., RTL two, 2 Guns, action comedy

Bobby (Denzel Washington) and Stig (Mark Wahlberg), two undercover agents, do everything they can to bring down Papi Greco (Edward James Olmos), the leader of a drug cartel. What they don’t know is that they are both undercover and think each other are criminals. When they rob a bank to get Daddy’s money, they find much more than they bargained for. They get caught up in a seemingly hopeless corruption scandal and have to work together to get out alive.

8:15 p.m., RTL, LEGO Masters, show

In “LEGO Masters” shows motivated teams of two with demanding challenges and millions of colorful LEGO bricks that they are real masters in building block blocks. The jury consists of Germany’s only officially certified LEGO expert and “Brickmaster” Rene Hoffmeister as well as LEGO design director Elisabeth Kahl -Backes The show is hosted by Daniel Hartwich.

9:15 p.m., ZDF, SOKO Leipzig: Shadows of the Past, crime thriller

In a middle-class neighborhood, two masked perpetrators break into a single-family home and murder a young Syrian man in front of his desperate parents. The family is extremely popular and there is no clear evidence of a revenge motive. Nevertheless, investigators are left wondering why the Al Wahab family suddenly had to leave Syria. The behavior of the neighbor Carmen Böhmer (Katja Danowski), who has created racist campaigns in the advertising industry but is outwardly seen as cosmopolitan, is particularly strange.


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