Preview: “The Chancellery: No way out” in the first

“The Chancellery: No way out” in the first

“The law firm: No way out”: Isa von Brede (Sabine Postel) presents the court with a living will.

© ARD/Georges Pauly

The “Kanzlei” (Das Erste) has to deal with a case of manslaughter. The duets are coming up for “Sing meine Song” (VOX). Jaden Smith learns the art of kung fu as the “Karate Kid” on ProSieben.

8:15 p.m., The First, The Law Firm: No Way Out, Lawyer Series

dr Wilhelmy is accused of killing a patient. The doctor assures Isabel von Brede (Sabine Postel) that the terminally ill woman asked him to get the necessary medication to put her out of her misery. The elderly lady’s daughter does not believe that her mother wanted to end her life. Since neither a suicide note nor a living will can be found, the charge is manslaughter.

8:15 p.m., VOX, sing my song – the exchange concert, music session

Pop singer Johannes Oerding hosts the show. Also present: pop singer Clueso, Floor Jansen, frontwoman of the symphonic metal band Nightwish, the musician duo SDP Vincent Stein and Dag-Alexis Kopplin, artist LOTTE, the international pop and soul singer Kelvin Jones as well as musician and songwriter ELIF.

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, Karate Kid, martial arts action

Twelve-year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) lives in Detroit and leads a carefree life. But then his mother is offered a new job in China and the small family moves to Beijing. There, Dre falls in love with the young violinist Mei Ying (Han Wenwen), which doesn’t sit well with Dre’s classmate Cheng (Zhenwei Wang). He beats up the new guy every day until Dre gets unexpected support from caretaker Mr. Han (Jackie Chan). With his help, Dre learns kung fu and faces his rival in a fighting tournament.

8:15 p.m., RTL, Undercover Boss, reality soap

At only 29 years old, Maren Wolters is a member of the Supervisory Board of Adler Modemärkte AG. After the insolvency in 2021, the logistics group Zeitfracht takes over more than 130 markets in Europe. 2,600 employees are thus saved from unemployment. During the undercover operation, the industrial engineer wants to see how the renovation concept works and undergoes a radical transformation: her blond mane is shortened by 20 centimeters and dyed brown.

8:15 p.m., ZDFneo, Marie Brand and the charm of evil, thriller

dr Tilmann (Harald Krassnitzer) is a respected but merciless lawyer. A man who polarizes and has enemies. Only with luck does he escape a car bomb attack. Together with her colleague Jürgen Simmel (Hinnerk Schönemann), Marie Brand (Mariele Millowitsch) identifies the suspect Finke, whose wife Gloria was harassed by Tilmann (Nadja Becker) until she took her own life. Finke confesses to the attack and commits suicide. The case seems solved. But Marie does not believe that Tilmann only escaped the attack through luck.


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