Preview: “The Dark Knight Rises” on ProSieben

“The Dark Knight Rises” on ProSieben

“The Dark Knight Rises”: Batman (Christian Bale) fears the destruction of Gotham.

© Warner Bros.

In “The Dark Knight Rises” (ProSieben), Batman must confront his nemesis Bane. Florian Silbereisen invites you to the “Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights” (Das Erste). In addition, former CIA killer Jason Bourne (ZDFneo) is caught up in his past.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, The Dark Knight Rises, superhero drama

Ruthless terrorist Bane (Tom Hardy) threatens to turn Gotham into a city of terror and fear. The police are powerless, Gotham is in anarchy. There’s only one person who could stop the hustle and bustle: Batman (Christian Bale). And so Bruce Wayne has no choice. He must confront evil as the Black Avenger. Will Bane and Batman have a showdown?

8:15 p.m., The First, The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights, folk music show

Together with many stars and the most beautiful Advent and Christmas carols, he celebrates the most contemplative time of the year. A highlight will be the arrival of the light of peace from the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, which is intended to remind us of the deep meaning of Christmas. Florian Silbereisen is expecting numerous prominent guests. Among others, Roland Kaiser, Vicky Leandros, the Ehrlich Brothers, Maite Kelly, Dieter Hallervorden, DJ Ötzi, Matthias Reim, the Kelly Family and Semino Rossi will be there.

8:15 p.m., arte, what we hide, thriller

The alarming call that Ulla Leitermann (Christiane von Poelnitz) was able to make from her house, where she lives with her husband Hans (Jörg Pose), ends abruptly. Now there is no trace of the renowned doctor couple. Everything points to a kidnapping. Even before her official move to the Hamburg homicide squad, the ambitious commissioner Katharina Tempel (Franziska Hartmann) throws herself into her first case – to the incomprehension of her husband Volker (Florian Stetter), celebrated press spokesman for the Hamburg police.

8:15 p.m., ZDFneo, The Bourne Conspiracy, action thriller

Former CIA hitman Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) lives in Goa with his girlfriend Marie (Franka Potente). But even in distant India, the ex-agent, who is suffering from amnesia, does not find peace. Still on the run from mysterious pursuers, a contract killer forces him to flee in haste. Bourne escapes to Naples, but the hunt has only just begun. Because the CIA is also feverishly looking for Bourne. Is he responsible for the deaths of two CIA agents killed in Berlin? The cornered sleeper Jason Bourne is once again turned into an ice-cold and deadly precise fighting machine.

8:15 p.m., RTLzwei, Twister, disaster action

Meteorologist Bill (Bill Paxton) and his wife JoAnne (Helen Hunt) researched tornadoes together before their split. Now he works as a “weatherman” on television and is waiting for a divorce. A storm erupts when Bill goes to his wife to finally sign the divorce papers. Bill’s passion for tornado hunting rekindles.


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