Preview: “The Hunted – In the Net of the Camorra” on ZDF

“The Hunted – In the Net of the Camorra” on ZDF

“The Hunted – In the Net of the Camorra”: Adrin Erlacher (Harald Windisch, l.) and Matteo DeCanin (Tobias Moretti) still have a score to settle.

© ZDF/Martin Rattini

In “The Hunted – In the Camorra’s Net” (ZDF), Tobias Moretti, as an ex-mafiosi, is supposed to give a life-threatening witness statement. There are new episodes of “Undercover Boss” on RTL and in “Planet of the Apes: Prevolution” (kabel eins) an experiment goes terribly wrong.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, The Hunted – In the Net of the Camorra, Thriller

Matteo DeCanin (Tobias Moretti) wants to leave his mafia past behind him and testify against his old clan. As a key witness, he and his family are given a new identity. But when Matteo’s daughter Laura (Antonia Moretti) flees witness protection, she puts herself in great danger. Carabiniere Erlacher (Harald Windisch) follows her trail, but the mafia is also on her heels. Matteo’s worst fears come true: his daughter falls into the clutches of the Camorra. It’s a race against time, because Matteo has to find Laura before her life is used against his own.

8:15 p.m., RTL, Undercover Boss, reality soap

Premiere at Undercover Boss: For the first time, siblings Anna Weber and Jan Weischer are taking part in the experiment. Together they form the management of the family business BabyOne, Germany’s leading retailer of baby and toddler supplies. The retail sector is currently suffering from a shortage of skilled workers. Disguised as participants in a fictitious TV show, they are looking for optimization potential in sales, warehouses and at the checkout.

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, Planet of the Apes: Prevolution, sci-fi drama

Scientist Will Rodman (James Franco) is working feverishly on a drug that can defeat Alzheimer’s. For test purposes, he treats chimpanzees with the drug. One of the test animals passes the genetic changes caused by this to its offspring. The baby chimpanzee Caesar (Andy Serkis) soon becomes a permanent member of Will’s family. When the monkey realizes that he is more of a pet than a human, an unstoppable transformation begins within him.

8:15 p.m., VOX, Fifty Shades of Grey, erotic drama

Student Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) is supposed to conduct an interview with the 27-year-old billionaire for the university newspaper Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan). Grey is so arrogant and suggestive that the young woman feels completely taken by surprise. However, her urge to flee soon gives way to a secret fascination that she cannot escape. Anastasia is inescapably drawn into Grey’s spell, which opens up a world she had never imagined before.

8:15 p.m., NITRO, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Science Fiction

Ten years have passed since John Connor and his mother Sarah averted the machines’ worldwide attack on humanity. But he still lives in constant fear, has given up his identity and leaves no traces that could alert Skynet to him. However, the computer system does not give up and sends the almost indestructible female Terminator TX (Kristanna Loken) from the future to the present to eliminate John and the leading minds of the later resistance against the machines.


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