Preview: “ZERV – time of reckoning” in the first

“ZERV – time of reckoning” in the first

“ZERV – time of reckoning”: Commissioner Peter Simon (Fabian Hinrichs, r.) And his East colleague Karo Schubert (Nadja Uhl) have to investigate together despite their differences.

© ARD/Merav Maroody

In “ZERV – Time of Reckoning” (Das Erste), two investigators investigate a murder in newly reunified Germany. “ZDFZeit” gets to the bottom of the topic of loneliness and in “Landkrimi” (3sat) a corpse turns up in a snow-covered hotel.

8:15 p.m., The First, ZERV – time of reckoning: other times, crime series

Berlin 1991: The newly founded Central Investigation Office for Government and Association Crime, “ZERV”, begins its work. There is already a first dead: Matthias Trockland (Christian Wewerka), jointly responsible for the dissolution of the NVA in the reunified Federal Republic, is found dead in his allotment garden. Peter Simon (Fabian Hinrichs), commissioner from West Germany in the ZERV, has to investigate together with his colleague from the East Berlin murder commission, Karo Schubert (Nadja Uhl).

8:15 p.m., ZDF, alone among millions, documentary

We live in modern times, in a networked world. We communicate with people on the other side of the globe, and yet: never before have people been as lonely as they are today. Experts speak of an “epidemic of loneliness”: nobody who is there, nobody who talks to you. Many have no one to turn to, they feel excluded from society. For “ZDFzeit” tennis pro Andrea Petković gets to the bottom of the epidemic of loneliness.

8:15 p.m., 3sat, Landkrimi: The Last Problem, Crime

A snowed-in holiday hotel. A corpse in a locked room. The hotel director wants to cover it up, but the whole hotel knows about it in no time. Among the guests is Inspector Horak (Karl Markovics), who, together with his assistant Freitag (Stefan Pohl), is carrying out extensive investigations. Then a second murder occurs. Detective Horak seems to be getting closer to solving the case, but there is no evidence.

8:15 p.m., VOX, Showtime of my Life – Stars Against Cancer, Show

Eight prominent women want to draw attention to the topic of breast cancer prevention and share their very personal experiences. The grand finale this year is themed “superheroines”. The women show that every woman can be beautiful, strong, confident and a superhero. Because the following applies: “If the stars can undress in front of an audience of millions, the viewers can do it even more in front of their doctor!”

10:55 p.m., The First, The Funeral: Gaby – The Widow, improv comedy series

After 20 years of marriage to Wolff-Dieter, the younger widow Gaby (Catrin Striebeck) finally wants to seal her place in the family at his funeral service. But then she encounters granite with Wolff-Dieter’s ex-wife Hildegard (Christine Schorn) and the three children from his first marriage. The friction is not only about the family structure, but above all about heritage.


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