Prey is a tribute to this unforgettable Predator character

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Dan Trachtenberg talks about the creation of his film Prey and explains how and why he wanted to pay homage to this character from the first Predator.

This is the movie everyone is talking about. Available on Disney+ in France, the new Predator, entitled Prey, features the alien facing a young Comanche. Its director Dan Trachtenberg has indeed set its action in the 18th century, at the heart of an indigenous community. In an interview given to hollywoo Reporthe partly explains the reason:

I was in third grade when the first Predator came out, and I wasn’t old enough to see it. One day I was driving towards a karate tournament with 6th graders who had been able to see it. They spent all the way telling me the whole movie.

I remember they were talking about a scene with Billy, an aboriginal tracker, who fought the Predator while standing on a bridge over a precipice. But when I was able to see the film, this scene did not exist (laughs). We see the beginning, but the continuation is only suggested.

But the seed was planted. I thought it would have been great to tell the story of this character. It’s not the main subject of Prey, but spiritually, yes.

Secondary character of the first part alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Billy Sole (Sonny Landham) made an impression, especially for this fight scene with the Predator to see above. And even if her death is not shown on the screen, many fans were convinced at the time that she had been saved from the editing of a VHS version… Finally untraceable.

Sonny Landham will also have marked the spirits of his playing partners on the set of Predator. The actor, known for his outbursts of violence, was always accompanied by a bodyguard to protect the other actors from him… Atmosphere.

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