prices down slightly, but not yet in freefall

The latest data from real estate professionals show prices falling slightly in certain towns, such as the Paris region. However, no significant fall in prices is currently to be deplored.

Are house prices falling? Yes, but not everywhere, according to the LPI barometer of May 2023. Thus, over the last three months, the price per m2 sign has fallen by 0.4% in old properties, and by 1.2% in new properties. A decrease, therefore, insufficient, however, given the increases recorded in recent years.

Thus, in many cities, year-on-year prices are still significantly up (+10.6% in Le Havre, +9.8% Marseille or even +8.8% Nice). The main increases are to the credit of so-called secondary cities, with an increase over one year of at least 6% in 40% of cities such as Annecy, Brest, Clermont-Ferrand, Le Havre, Le Mans, Nmes or Perpignan for example.

A price level above 5000 euros per m2

Prices are nonetheless marking time in Montpellier (+0.5% over one year), Lille (+1.5%) and Bordeaux (+1.8%), and are even down in certain large cities such as Nantes (- 0.8%), Lyons (-1.3%) and even more Paris (-1.7% over one year). A decline that can be found in almost all the districts, but also in many cities in the Ile-de-France region. Prices are falling in Ile-de-France in 58% of cities (against only 19% in the Provinces) because their level has become inaccessible, notes the barometer.

A trend confirms (with somewhat different numbers) by Meilleursagents, in its June barometer. The site ensures that with +0.3% increase in May, spring ends better than it had started in the ten largest French cities (excluding Paris). Seven of them have indeed gone back into the green over the past month. Stone prices thus increased by +0.3% in Toulouse, Montpellier and Strasbourg, by +0.5% in Lille, by +0.6% in Rennes and by +0.8% in Marseille and Nice. No better, however Nantes, Lyon and Bordeaux whose prices lost -0.3%, -0.4% and -0.5% respectively.

A phenomenon of decline that is also found in other cities, as underlined by the LPI barometer, which insists on the fact that prices are falling elsewhere in almost all cities where prices exceed 5000 euros per m2: the decline is then 1.2%, on average. As a result, the negotiation margin is still on the rise, 6.8% of the price on average in April.

Owners, beware, real estate prices could quickly drop by 20%!

source site-96