Pride Week 2021: Why And This Week Is So Important

Pride Week 2021
Why this week is so important to us

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Love is colorful and diverse and so are genders – unfortunately, many people still see it differently. One more reason that we will clear up prejudices and let exciting people have their say in our Pride Week from June 7th to 13th. We’ll tell you why we are so concerned with this topic here.

“I’m gay” or “I’m trans” are sentences that will not be easy to bring to life in 2021 either. “Being different”, not conforming to the heterosexual norm, is associated with fears for many because it could mean exclusion and hatred. Why are we still so far from being able to let people be themselves?

We at Brigitte Magazin, Eltern Magazin, GALA and Barbara want to set an example and make ourselves strong for a month with four different Pride Weeks for all those who still have to experience unequal treatment in our heteronomous world. The parenting magazine started on May 31st, at Brigitte we start on June 7th, the gala follows on June 16th and Barbara ends on June 21st.

Pride 2021: that’s why something has to change

Our environment shapes us. It starts with gender roles that we subconsciously assume and also applies to traditions and social expectations. If there is no room for your own self, it can have fatal consequences, a study by the University of Arizona from 2018 shows. The study published in the journal “Pediatrics” shows that 50.8 percent of young trans men im 11-19 years of age have attempted suicide at least once.

The figures in the report on politically motivated crime for 2020, which Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer presented on May 4th, are just as shocking. According to this, 782 crimes, including 154 acts of violence against the sexual orientation and sexual identity of people, were committed. Instead of moving forward, into a more liberal society, we’re moving backward, because these numbers represent an increase of 36 percent over the previous year.

Brigitte Pride Week: You can look forward to it

Something has to change, and ideally immediately. That already starts with the visualization. Because the fact is: The LGBTIQ + community is still severely underrepresented in the media. For one week, we want to give experts, artists, celebrities and private people the space and public to report on their experiences.

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