Prime Video news from April 29 to May 5: The Godfather trilogy, The City of Fear, Batman Begins…

This week on Prime Video, a nice skewer of releases! Even if the sun is back, it’s time to revise our classics, with the Godfather trilogy, a Bertrand Blier collection, Les Affranchis or La Cité de lapeur.

Released in 1972, The Godfather celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year. The perfect opportunity to schedule a marathon from May 1 on Prime Video, with the most mythical gangster saga in cinema. Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, then Andy Garcia: it’s the dream quartet that we find at the top of the bill in this still as luminous trilogy, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Just perfect.

To stay on topic, we are extending the experience with a film clearly influenced by the previous three, also available from May 1 on Prime Video. Released in 1990, Les Affranchis is a veritable fresco of organized crime, with an exceptional Ray Liotta.

Martin Scorsese films here the youth, the rise, then the inevitable fall of a king of the Italian underworld in New York. Something to obviously evoke The Godfather, with a rawer and more violent treatment, but just as memorable!

After New York, we rush to Gotham to rediscover the first opus of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy. In Batman Begins, we follow the struggle of a new Dark Knight to prevent the annihilation of the city against Ra’s al Ghul and the fearsome Scarecrow. In 2005, the film surprised with a very realistic adaptation and a perfect Christian Bale in the role of Bruce Wayne.

On the comedy side, The City of Fear is also arriving on the platform. In 1994, Dummies like Alain Chabat, Chantal Lauby and Dominique Farrugia made their first feature film. The plot revolves around a murderer copying the modus operandi of a bad horror movie, and gives rise to deliciously absurd scenes and a good dose of cult lines. Unavoidable.


Finally, action fans will be able to discover Waldo, private detective from May 2. Charlie Hunnam plays a former police officer reclusive in the woods who decides to investigate the death of the wife of a Hollywood star… Note the presence of a Mel Gibson in great shape in the role of the capricious superstar!

The other CLAP film of the week, Like Mother, Like Daughter, with Camille Cottin and Juliette Binoche, will be released on May 1 on Prime Video.

Friday April 29:

La Unidad – Anti-Terrorist Unit – Season 2

Sunday May 1:

The Godfather 1

The Godfather, part 2

The Godfather, Epilogue: The Death of Michael Corleone

Bertrand Blier Collection: Prepare Your Handkerchiefs / Les Valseuses / Father-in-Law / Our Story / My Man / Evening Wear / One, Two, Three, Sun / Hitler, Don’t Know! / Too Beautiful For You / Thank You Life / Calmos / Cold Buffet

wonder woman

welcome home

The City of Fear

Like Mother like daughter

Love on the trail

Vox Lux

Batman Begins


Magnum PI – Season 2

Before you



How to kill his boss? (1 and 2)

Monday, May 2:

Waldo, private detective

Wednesday May 4:

The Originals – Seasons 1-5

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