Prince Carl Philip + Princess Sofia: The handsome prince and the model

He is the son of the Swedish King Carl XVI. Gustaf, she the beautiful former bikini model. He studied graphic design, she made her way into the modeling scene through small part-time jobs. Together they are the dream couple from the Swedish royal family that is currently being talked about: Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip.

Sofia Hellqvist and her world before Carl Philip

From waiting tables to working in a sports shop or a plastics factory. Sofia Hellqvist has held a few jobs. The real breakthrough came when she made it to the finals of the reality TV show Hotel Paradise.

But anyone who thinks that Sofia only adorns the Swedish royal family is greatly mistaken. Behind the princess is a real power woman.

Sofia the beautiful activist

Sofia Hellqvist discovered her social commitment as a teenager when she decided to volunteer in Africa. There she was involved, among other things, in the construction of new children’s homes. At the moment she is working for refugees in this difficult time. The prince also pursues his passion.

Prince Carl Philip, the avid photographer

Carl Philip was always fascinated by photography. Through his studies, he was taught the necessary craft, with which he proved himself at the US magazine National Geographic. The prince presented his exhibition in Uppsala in 2007. He is also a partner in a design company.

Happy family with two sons

The princess and the prince have been married since 2015 and married in April 2016 Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil have their first child. And that’s not all: Princess Sofia quickly became pregnant again. Came out on August 31, 2017 Prince Gabriel Carl Walther gives birth and now brings even more life to the Villa Solliden, where the couple lives.

A dream couple, by the way: Prince Carl Philip is completely blown away by his wife and once admitted: “I don’t think I knew the magic of love before I met Sofia”. That was extremely well received by everyone – except for his longtime ex-girlfriend.


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