Prince Charles: Harry was “oversensitive” to comments on skin color

Prince Charles + Prince William
Prince Harry was “oversensitive” to comments about Archie’s skin color

© Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan shocked the world with accusations of racism against the Royal Family. The latest revelations put Prince Charles, of all people, in a bad light. He, in turn, should dismiss his son’s allegations.

There were serious allegations that Prince Harry, 37, and Duchess Meghan, 40, made against the British royals in their explosive Oprah interview last March: A family member is said to have speculated about the possible skin color of their first child. It should have been none other than Prince Charles, 73, as a Royal expert thinks he knows.

Prince Charles is said to have pondered Archie’s appearance

After experts, critics and fans alike searched for the answer to which member of the British royal family might have made derogatory comments about the appearance of the still unborn Archie, 2, author Christopher Anderson recently revealed how he thought the scandal could have come about.

“I was able to trace the comment back to Prince Charles, who made it to Camilla on the day the engagement of Harry and Meghan was announced,” said the expert who wrote the book “Brothers and Wives: Inside the Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry and Meghan “wrote to Us Weekly.” “And what he did was lean over to her like any other grandfather and say, ‘I wonder what your kids will be like, hair color, eyes, color, face.’ … He did it lovingly, but the problem is that over time it has been misunderstood and distorted by the bureaucrats and the palace, “he says. The people Diana called the “Men in Gray” would have taken this as ammunition and made it “pretty terrible” when it got to Harry.

Has Prince Harry “overreacted”?

When Prince Charles and Prince William, 40, confronted the alleged remark, they are said to have replied that he was “overly sensitive” and “overreacted,” said Andersen. “That made the already very complicated situation even more complicated.”

Even if the author seems to take some of the pressure off the 73-year-old, he is unimpressed. After Anderson’s book hit the headlines a few weeks ago, the heir to the throne described the story in a statement to Us Weekly as “fiction” and declined to comment. “I wish the palace would bother to read what is actually in the book,” says the author. “The real fiction is denial. That’s what the palace always does. There is a knee-jerk reaction to saying, ‘None of this is true.’ … In this case it is particularly clear that they have not read the book, because if they did they would see that it defused the image of the Royal Family in terms of racism. “

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