Prince Charles: Here he wants to live as a king with Camilla

Prince Charles
Here he wants to live as king with Camilla

Will Prince Charles move into Buckingham Palace with Camilla?

© imago/i Images

Are the royals planning major moves? Reportedly, Prince Charles has already decided where he wants to live with Camilla when he’s king.

Prince Charles (73) is said to want to move into Buckingham Palace with his wife, Duchess Camilla (74), when he becomes king. At least that’s what the Daily Mail claims. Prince William (39) and Duchess Kate (40) could then possibly settle at Windsor Castle, according to the British rumor mill.

According to the report, there has been speculation in recent years that the official London residence could become a work-only place for the royals. According to the Daily Mail, Prince Charles is said to be “firmly convinced” that Buckingham Palace is “the visible symbol of the monarchy in the capital” and should therefore be his home. “There is no doubt about it,” an anonymous source is quoted as saying by the newspaper. The heir to the throne is of the opinion that “a monarch is needed at the headquarters of the monarchy”.

Tourist attraction remains

Officially the main residence of the British monarch since 1837, Buckingham Palace is due to be renovated by 2027. According to earlier reports, Prince Charles is said to have ruled out living there afterwards. According to the “Daily Mail”, royal insiders are now certain that he will move in there once he has ascended the throne. Even if the future king lives and works there, the palace will remain open as a tourist attraction.

Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth II (95), has lived most of the time at Windsor Castle since the beginning of the corona pandemic. Charles and Camilla reside in Clarence House, the former London residence of Queen Mum (1900-2002). Prince William and Duchess Kate currently live and work at Kensington Palace in London. According to insiders, it is possible that they will one day move into Windsor Castle, reports the “Daily Mail”.

The relocation plans should not yet play a major role in the royals. The royal family is currently celebrating. Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 70th anniversary on February 6th. The high point of the official celebrations will be the days from June 2nd to 5th. Plans include street parties and a concert featuring some of the world’s “biggest entertainment stars”.


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