Prince Christian: Birthday plans upset the entire population

Prince Christian will be 18 in October. The Danish royal family has published the first details about the birthday party for the son of Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary – and is now receiving criticism.

Prince Christian, 17, will come of age: In a few weeks, the eldest son of Prince Frederik, 55, and his wife Princess Mary, 51, will be celebrating his 18th birthday. The court recently announced the program on the occasion of its special day. Now, however, an entire population group seems to be bothered by this.

Royal family announces details of the celebration for Prince Christian

As well as on its official website as well as on social media, the Danish royal family had revealed details about the birthday party for the future heir to the throne. “At the Sunday 15 October 2023 His Royal Highness Prince Christian will be 18 years old,” the court wrote on Instagram, sharing three new portrait shots of the prince. The day will be celebrated with a changing of the guard at Amalienborg Palace, where the prince will be with his family and Queen Margrethe83, will show on the balcony.

Queen Margrethe invites young people to the gala dinner

It also said: “In the evening, the Queen will host a gala dinner where the guests will reflect Prince Christian’s generation.” Queen Margrethe will hold a gala raffle at 5 p.m. to which representatives of various youth organizations in the country who are involved in sports, art and culture are invited.

Sharp criticism for Christian’s birthday party

This Gala banquet at Christiansborg Palace is now causing outrage among the so-called Danish minority. Around 50,000 people with German citizenship in Schleswig-Holstein declare themselves to be part of the Danish minority. In the past, Queen Margrethe maintained the connection to the districts of North Friesland and Schleswig-Flensburg. “In troubled times, our borderland is a shining example of how different languages, cultures and traditions can coexist peacefully,” said the monarch in her 2023 New Year’s speech, adding that the Danish minority could be proud of it.

However, the fact that the population group is now being left out of the celebrations of the future heir to the throne causes bewilderment. According to the Flensburg daily newspaper “Flensborg Avis”, which is published in both Danish and German, this is the first time that the farm has organized a proper youth festival. “Young people from the Danish minority in southern Schleswig are not invited,” it says. When asked by the newspaper, the communications department of the royal family did not comment further, but only referred to the wording of the press release. It states explicitly that only young people from “rigsfællesskabet”, i.e. the Danish national community, are invited.

Prince Christian takes part in the district council meeting

Another part of the official ceremony will take place on Tuesday, November 14: “At 9:30 a.m., Prince Christian will attend a meeting at the district council, where the prince will make a so-called solemn declaration that he intends to comply with the constitution.” , is it[called”PrinceChristiancanthenbeappointedheadofstatePrinceChristianonlygetsaseatontheStateCouncilwhentherehasbeenachangeofthrone”

Will the engagement come after the birthday party?

For Prince Christian, not only his upcoming birthday party should be a reason to be happy: there are also rumors that he will soon become a princess Maria Chiara, 18, could propose marriage. The Danish prince is said to have been in a relationship with the Italian It-Girl for a few months. Allegedly, Prince Christian already introduced his sweetheart to his grandmother, Queen Margrethe.

Sources used:,

mzi / sti

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