Prince Harry away? An expert comes out of silence, “he no longer speaks to his childhood friends”

In the Palace Confidential podcast, royal expert Sarah Vine recently spoke about Prince Harry’s isolation since moving to California with his wife.

An aloof, depressed prince? In 2020, Prince Harry had decided to leave London for Montecito (California) – 150 km northwest of Los Angeles – in order to stay away from certain members of the royal family of England. From, William’s brother lives thousands of miles from those who watched him grow up, alongside his wife Meghan Markle and their two children: Archie and Lilibet. On various occasions, the young son of Lady Di and Charles III was described as isolated in the British press. Last June, a crowned head had even come out of silence on this subject.

More recently, it’s in the podcast Palace Confidential that royal expert Sarah Vine spoke about this situation. According to this journalist, Prince Harry has put an end to several of his friendly relations since his move across the Atlantic. “From what I hear, he doesn’t talk to any of his childhood friends anymore, he doesn’t listen to the advice of those around him.. […] They’re not there for him anymore.detailed the specialist.

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Prince Harry left loved ones behind

To support her reasoning, Sarah Vine cited Tiggy Legge-Bourke, who was nanny to Harry and his brother William. For the two children, she had somehow played the role of “second mother” when Lady Di and Charles III had separated.

Today, although this woman is little Archie’s godmother, she would no longer be part of the life of Meghan Markle’s husband since he resides in the United States, assures the royal expert. A mistake, according to her, because Tiggy Legge-Bourke gave him “always been a great help”.

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