Prince Harry: dad under “laughing gas”, baby with “stuck head” … his revelations about the birth of Archie

In his book The Substitute, Prince Harry returns to the chaotic birth of his wife, in 2019, when she gave birth to little Archie.

  • In we book The Substitute, Prince Harry returns to the birth of little Archie
  • Having attended the birth of Meghan Markle, he remembers how complicated things were
  • It describes in detail what they experienced

It is a memory that he will keep deeply rooted in his memory. On May 6, 2019, Meghan Markle gave birth to her first child. A little boy, named Archie, which will make both parents happy. But before being able to enjoy their baby, Prince Harry and his wife experienced a very special birth. In his book, baptized, The Substitute, Prince William’s brother reflects on the birth of his child, who was born at the Portland maternity ward. Triggered, Meghan Markle had the chance to give birth under an epidural. But the product “didn’t go to the right place”.

Indeed, Prince Harry will return with emotion to the chaotic childbirth of his wife. “Things then both calmed down and rushed. Two hours later, the doctor came back and put on a pair of latex gloves. ‘Here we are,’ she said. I posted myself at the head of the bed, I squeezed Meg’s hand and encouraged her”. But many complications arose. “The obstetrician gave her a small hand mirror. Looking in it, I saw the baby’s skull reflected in it. Her head was stuck. Caught in the cord.” As an invested dad, Prince Harry will then do everything to encourage his wife. “I said to Meg, ‘My love, you have to push.’ I didn’t tell him why. I didn’t tell him about the umbilical cord, I didn’t mention the possibility of an emergency caesarean.”he explains in his memoirs.

The heartbreaking secrets of Prince Harry on the birth of Archie

Prince Harry then did everything not to worry his wife.I just breathed, ‘Give it all you got.’ And that’s what she did.” Prince Harry then admits that the hours preceding the delivery of his wife were very difficult. Under laughing gas to relax, Meghan Markle was trying to “give nature a helping hand” by jumping on a balloon, before labor begins. Prince Harry then mentions a press release that will broadcast at the time of the birth of their son that Meghan Markle has just returned to full labor. A lie. “‘You know she’s out of labor,’ I said to Sara [Latham, alors directrice de leur communication, ndlr.] She explained to me that we had to give the press the dramatic and suspenseful story that she demanded, “ he recalls, specifying that “keeping people going was all that mattered”.

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