Prince Harry: Open words: “I experienced a burnout”

Prince Harry
“I experienced burnout”

©Getty Images

Prince Harry has once again spoken out about his mental state. He has experienced burnout and knows how to fight it.

Prince Harry, 37, made his first public appearance this year – alongside his good friend Serena Williams, 40. Together with the boss of the coaching company BetterUp, Alexi Robichaux, they spoke on Thursday, January 3, 2022 a virtual event on “cultivating the power of mental fitness through a bold commitment to inner work”. BetterUp then published excerpts of it via Twitter.

Prince Harry needs time to himself

Harry once again spoke about his own mental problems. He had experienced “a burnout” himself and wanted to encourage all viewers to take more time for themselves. One should “focus on one’s own well-being,” according to Harry, according to the US media. He knows how difficult it is: “Self-care is the first thing that goes away. I’m happy to admit that – as a husband and father.” Now he takes a time slot of 30 to 45 minutes every morning.

This should actually be a matter of course for everyone. habit, like brushing your teeth, Harry continued. There are always breaks in everyday life where you can incorporate this. For example, when one child is at school while the other is asleep. He often works out himself, walks the dog, enjoys nature or simply meditates. However, you need time in advance to be able to concentrate at all, says the royal.

Prince Harry

In the end, such behavior also affects work: You are more efficient at work and have more freedom for leisure and family life: “It is a complete cycle of networking from which everyone around you ultimately benefits.” Incidentally, he himself has also been using a BetterUp coach in recent months, which has helped him a lot.

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