Prince Harry: Queen’s grandson practices his Dutch

Prince Harry
Queen grandson practices his Dutch

Prince Harry is patron of the Invictus Games.

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Harry causes astonishment: First he announced that he would not come to the memorial service for Prince Philip, then he posted a fun video.

Prince Harry (37) is again causing concern among Royal fans: Shortly after he announced that he would not be coming to London for the memorial service for Prince Philip (1921-2021) at the end of March, a funny clip with him appeared on social media media on. In it he promotes this year’s Invictus Games. Prince Harry is the patron of the Paralympic sporting event for disabled soldiers.

The event will take place in The Hague from April 16th to 22nd. Prince Harry is reportedly expected at the venue. The new clip shows the Duke of Sussex learning Dutch in a video call with attendees ahead of the event. He also reveals at the end that he’s wearing an all-orange outfit. He also puts on his hat and sunglasses.

Fans celebrate the clip

While some users are annoyed in the comments on the post that Prince Harry is not coming to the memorial service for his deceased grandfather and is now having fun online, many fans are also celebrating him for the clip. “Absolutely brilliant” and “wonderful” is what the video says, among other things.

Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson (95) had previously caused criticism because he did not travel to London for the memorial service on March 29. Royal expert Angela Levin explained according to the “Daily Mail”that Harry is “snubbing the Queen” who is still mourning the loss of her husband.

discussion about safety

Recently there was a discussion about police protection for Prince Harry in Great Britain. His legal team has reportedly said the Duke of Sussex “doesn’t feel safe” bringing his family to the UK.

Harry and his wife, Duchess Meghan (40), resigned as senior royals in early 2020. They live in Montecito, California, with their two children, Archie (2) and Lilibet (9 months). According to British media reports, what the security precautions for Harry and his family look like when they visit home is apparently decided on a case-by-case basis by experts from the Home Office. The special circumstances of the trip are assessed in each case.


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