Prince Harry’s wife violently attacked


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Meghan Markle is the victim of a smear campaign on social networks. Internet users accuse her of being “a malicious liar”.

A hashtag against Meghan Markle has been around the web for some time: #MeghanMarkleIsALiar which means “Meghan Markle is a liar”. Indeed, this hashtag is one of the most popular this Wednesday, July 13 in the morning, because more and more Internet users are accusing the mother of Archie and Lilibet of having lied about a large part of her life. This comes only a month after the accusations of brutal and cruel management towards its employees.

We can thus read messages such as: “The worst is #MeghanMarkleIsALiar lying to manipulate people so that they feel sorry for them. She pretended to be the victim of abuse and racism from the royal family to obtain blind support”, “So calculating and manipulative – learning about the royal family before choosing her prey (then denying that she knew anything about them) She’ll drop Harry when it no longer serves her purpose.” or : “I always felt like Meghan Markle wanted to be Princess Diana, it annoys me to see that she fakes everything”. Indeed, Internet users accuse him of lying about everything, a French woman even tweeted: “She calls herself vegan except on her engagement day when she says she was preparing a roast chicken!!!”

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Meghan Markle regularly called a liar

This is not the first time that Meghan Markle has been called a liar, she had already been accused at the beginning of 2021 following an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Indeed, after the broadcast of this interview, journalist Piers Morgan accused Prince Harry’s wife of having lied about her marriage. The latter had actually revealed in front of Oprah Winfrey qshe was secretly married to the Duke of Sussex before the ceremony on May 19, 2018 broadcast on many international television channels.

“You know, three days before our wedding we got married. No one knows. (…) We called the Archbishop and simply said to him: ‘Listen, this show is for the whole world, but we would like to unite among ourselves’”, had, in fact, entrusted Meghan Markle. It was enough to annoy fans of the royal family at that time.

Lahela Bouaziz

Lahéla doesn’t like jeans or t-shirts, she comes to the newsroom in a dress and heels. This writing where she snoops on the web and social networks …

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