Prince William and Duchess Kate: The Royals are planning a big change

Prince William and Duchess Kate
The royals are planning a big change

Prince William and Duchess Kate perform in London.

© imago/i Images

Are Prince William and Duchess Kate moving? Supposedly they want to start a happy life in the country with their children.

Do Prince William (39) and Duchess Kate (40) want to move to the country? The royals can reportedly imagine living in or around Windsor as reported by The Telegraph. They would probably leave London’s Kensington Palace behind for that. However, the royal family has a country residence in Norfolk with Anmer Hall. William, Kate and their three children Prince George (8), Princess Charlotte (6) and Prince Louis (3) are already spending a lot of time there.

Nevertheless, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge should have a life outside the gates of London in mind. They are said to have their eye on the country estate of Fort Belvedere, once the love nest of Edward VIII (1894-1972) and Wallis Simpson (1896-1986). Queen Elizabeth II (95) is currently renting the property with pool and tennis court to a private individual.

Lots of royals in Windsor

According to the report, if William and Kate continue to work at Kensington Palace, it would take them between 25 and 45 minutes to get to Windsor. And part of the royal family would be there: William’s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, lives in Windsor Castle, her son, Prince Edward (57), lives not very far away with his family. Prince Andrew (61) also has a property in Windsor.

Before moving to the United States in 2020, Prince Harry (37) and Duchess Meghan (40) also lived in the Frogmore Cottage property in Windsor Great Park. Now Princess Eugenie (31) and her husband Jack Brooksbank (35) live there with their son August (1). Kate’s parents are also only about 20 kilometers away from Windsor: Carole (66) and Michael Middleton (72) live in Bucklebury, which means that they could help more with the children…


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