Prince William and Duchess Kate: The royals say goodbye to Belize

Prince William and Duchess Kate
The royals say goodbye to Belize

Prince William and Duchess Kate before their flight to Jamaica.

© imago images/i Images

Prince William and Duchess Kate have made their way to Jamaica from Belize. Before that they went on a dive.

Prince William (39) and Duchess Kate (40) made their way to Jamaica from Belize as part of their week-long Caribbean trip. They are looking forward to further “exciting visits” on site, as they say in an Instagram story. A little later they also published a first picture of their arrival in the country.

After the official reception of the two royals in Belize, they had different appointments. They announced on Instagram on March 22nd, but that they could explore the underwater world of South Water Caye with a dive. “On Sunday we were lucky enough to have time diving […] to be able to spend, just above the spectacular Belize Barrier Reef.”

It was “really fantastic for the royal couple [gewesen]”Seeing the underwater world here in Belize.” “And the wonderful work they are doing here to protect coral and fish life,” the two wrote of footage from the dive.

Protests accompany their journey

However, Kate and William’s Caribbean trip is accompanied by local protests because of the colonial past. According to a report by the British “Daily Mail” demonstrators gathered in the Jamaican capital Kingston before the arrival of the royals with signs like: “Princesses and princes belong in fairy tales, not in Jamaica”. Protests have also taken place in Belize. After their stay in Jamaica, Kate and William would like to visit the Bahamas.


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