Prince William: At war with Camilla’s daughter to avenge her mother… The true face of the future king?

When you are raised to become the future king of Great Britain, you learn to hide your emotions, your anger and your doubts: for years, while your brother Harry has poured out all his anxieties in the media, the prince william remains silent, an unchanging pillar of the royal family. However, the eldest son of Prince Charles and Lady Di is far from being so shy: endowed with a strong character, he knows how to make him speak when it seems important to him.

Confused with his brother and sister-in-law Meghan Markle for a few years, he knows how to impose himself, even in front of his grandmother when it seems important to him, especially against his uncle, Prince Andrew. But a few years ago, the one who attracted his wrath was Laura Parker-Bowles, the daughter of his stepmother Camilla. Convinced that she had ruined his youth, he blamed her a lot according to biographer Katie Nicholl.

William blamed Camilla for all the harm she had done to her motherwhich put Laura in a rage“, she reveals in her book Harry and William. And the young woman, 4 years older than William, never let herself go, answering him: “Your father ruined my life. Difficult disputes for these young people who have seen the story of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles go through the years … despite their respective marriages.

A difficult family history

In reality, these last two met in 1970, when they were very young. Quickly separated by the army, they lived a short romance before Camilla married Major Parker-Bowles with whom she had two children, Tom (born in 1974, who became a food critic) and Laura (born 4 years later, curator of art).
Charles, meanwhile, is still not married in 1980, when he is over thirty years old: he therefore ends up marrying Lady Diana Spencer, whom he does not love. When they divorced in 1992, this one accuses the Prince of Wales of never having ceased his affair with Camillasomething he does not deny.

Ten years later, after the accidental death of Lady Diana in 1997, they will finally marry in 2005, reuniting the children who eventually reconcile. Princes William and Harry get on particularly well with Tom, their father’s godson, who has a difficult youth but has now become a sought-after food critic. Married twice and father of two children (Lola, 15 and Freddy, 12), he recently lost his second wife to cancer. Laura, meanwhile, married in 2009 and has three children (Eliza, 14, Gus and Louis, 12).

A wedding attended by princes Harry and William but also (and much more discreetly) Kate Middleton, who was not yet really part of the family. Tom and Laura, meanwhile, were of course present at the princely weddings of the two brothers. Little Eliza had even served as a little girl of honor for the union of Kate and William in 2011!

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