Prince William + Catherine, Princess of Wales: Here’s how their lives are changing now

A new phase of life began not only for King Charles on September 8, 2022. Queen Elizabeth’s death brought life to the line of succession to the British throne. What this means for Prince William and his wife Catherine is already becoming apparent in the first essential points.

Now it’s getting serious for them too: Prince William, 40, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, 40, have moved up to the top of the waiting list in the British monarchy. The result is additional titles, more tasks and a greater presence. The couple will have to shoulder new responsibilities. Initially, this means even fewer private family moments, but much more commitment to the “company”, as the royals themselves call the royal house.

Prince William and Catherine, Princess of Wales have to rearrange their lives

William in particular is at the center of the royal upheaval: the eldest son of King Charles, 73, is now being prepared even more intensively for the role of the future monarch. After the mourning period for the late Queen Elizabeth, † 96, the first major challenges await, not just pleasant ones. His father wants to streamline the monarchy. This could lead to tensions within the family structure. Another outstanding aspect: Prince Harry, 38, and Prince Andrew, 62. What roles will the former senior royals be allowed to play in connection with the royal family in the future? Decisions that contain enormous potential for conflict.

But the Prince of Wales is prepared, a source close to the royal told the Daily Mail: “The Duke was incredibly close to his grandmother, he looked up to her like no other. And this service and this duty that she embodied will be very much a feature of his future role,” the palace insider said. “He learned from the best.”

Now it’s up to William and Catherine to rearrange their lives. Three points stand out that are essential.

A greater fortune

Prince William is now not just Duke of Cambridge, but now primarily Duke of Cornwall, the title his father held until his proclamation. This involves assets of more than 1.2 billion pounds (around 1.3 billion euros), which is made up of real estate and investments. Last year, King Charles, then the Prince of Wales, received a handsome income of £22.2 million (about 25 million euros) from the duchy. An unbelievable sum, but he paid taxes on it of his own free will.

In the future, William will now be able to fall back on the duchy as a worthwhile additional source of income and thus be able to show an impressive wealth portfolio. There is hope that he will do the same as his father, who set up hardship funds [Geldfonds, deren Mittel für Menschen, die sich in einer Notlage befinden, bestimmt sind; Anmerkung der Redaktion] and low rent demands was greatly appreciated.

The loss of heart projects

Prince William has put his heart and soul into his charitable organization, the Royal Foundation, and his passion project, the Earthshot Prize, in recent years. The latter is already considered the most prestigious environmental prize of our time, although the Royal and its Foundation only launched it in October 2020. The focus is on recognizing special achievements in climate protection that will help to “repair” the planet within the next ten years, as can be read on the website of the now independent charity.

The royal is keen to ensure his favorite projects continue without his day-to-day involvement. It is his urgent wish that issues such as climate change, mental health and homelessness receive more attention in the future.

“He will remain very practical,” a close friend of William’s told the Daily Mail, explaining: “He believes he can continue to make a significant contribution as Prince of Wales, particularly in the area of ​​housing and homelessness. He knew “He has to tread carefully, but he won’t be silent. He inherited a lot from his father’s campaigning spirit,” the insider said. “He shares his father’s willingness to speak out if there’s something he believes in long-term. The Prince of Wales has been ridiculed for his views on climate change and look at him now. William wants to bring that into his own work .” The friend added: “He won’t be happy if there’s a big challenge that doesn’t get the right attention given his position. He has to say something. Of course he’ll be very careful. He doesn’t like controversy but he doesn’t have one Fear of taking risks.”

Slimmed down monarchy

As early as October 2021, the first serious rumors surfaced that Charles, as king, wanted to streamline the monarchy. First and foremost, this means more work and more responsibility within the royal family for William and Catherine. In addition to the monarch and Queen Camilla, 75, the heir to the throne and his wife will form the core group of working royals.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, 41, have been out of the game since leaving the royal family in 2020. Prince Andrew has been kicked out of the running for the top spots with his alleged involvement in the Epstein scandal and a civil lawsuit alleging abuse of a minor.

It can be heard from those close to William that he does not believe that his uncle will ever be able to return to public life as a senior royal. He also allegedly sees no outstanding roles within the monarchy for his cousins ​​Princess Beatrice, 34, and Princess Eugenie, 32. Forecasts that could lead to conflicts. “He adores his cousins ​​and greatly appreciates their love and support. He always encourages his team to make sure they are invited to the big occasions and is focused on making sure his team has a good relationship with them maintains”, a source from the closest circle of friends of the heir to the throne softens the hard-sounding views. But William seems to be completely on the line of the king. “Like his father, he believes that a slimmed-down monarchy is the way forward.”

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