Prince William: He learned about Harry’s trip to Europe from the press

Prince William
communication at the end? Harry did not inform him about the UK visit

Prince Harry and Prince William reportedly don’t have much to say to each other anymore.

© Dominic Lipinski / Getty Images

It seems they have finally lost touch with each other. Prince William is said to have learned from the press about his brother Harry’s trip to Europe with sister-in-law Meghan.

It’s a photo that speaks volumes: Prince William, 40, and Prince Harry, 37, appear together in July 2021 at the unveiling of a statue of their late mother Princess Diana, † 36, in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace – but the once trusted brothers have turned their backs on each other. Even then, the big rift between the sons of Prince Charles, 73, was clearly evident. After the Megxit a year earlier, small injuries suddenly turned into deep wounds. In the meantime, pure speechlessness seems to prevail. William is said to have only found out about the Sussexes’ current visit to Great Britain through the press. There is apparently an ice age between the siblings.

Prince William: Radio silence with the Sussexes

Actually, it would literally only be a small step for both of them at the moment that they would have to approach each other. Harry and his wife Duchess Meghan, 41, moved into their former home for their stay in their old home. Frogmore Cottage is in the grounds of Windsor Castle and is a stone’s throw from the Cambridges’ new home. There are around 120 meters between the two properties – a stone’s throw. But there is said to be no meeting between the brothers in sight. Omid Scobie, the Sussexes’ unofficial mouthpiece and co-author of the Megxit biography Finding Freedom, explains in his Yahoo column that Harry and Meghan are by no means “shunned” by the family. On the contrary, a source told him: “The real story is that they never approached the Cambridges.”

The siblings were at an impasse, Scobi claims, again quoting his alleged insider: “People are desperate for steps, but there hasn’t been any movement behind the scenes.” And so the alleged family friend continued: “What [Harry] waiting is accountability… Many lines have been crossed by William. He has been at the center of a number of painful moments, whether in the actions of his own staff or turning his back when support is needed.”

Hardened fronts and icy tension

In short: the fronts have hardened. This will probably not change in the foreseeable future. Harry’s memoirs are due out soon. According to the “Daily Mail”, William himself had no intention of seeing his brother during his stay in England. He allegedly wants to wait and see what private details the younger reveals in his memoirs and also in a currently produced Netflix documentary about the Sussexes. “She [die Sussexes, Anmerkung der Redaktion] lost their chance to be trustworthy because there’s a chance they’ll record every conversation and use it against them,” Royal biographer Angela Levin told The Sun this week.

Prince Harry

The Sussexes have the escape reflex

On September 8th, the Sussexes have the last official appearance of their European tour. After Meghan’s speech at the “One Young World Summit” in Manchester on Monday and the joint press conference at the Invictus Games 2023 on Tuesday in Düsseldorf, the couple will be present at the WellChild Awards ceremony in London. After that, the ex-senior royals are said to be in a hurry to return to the United States. Even the premature departure of the two during the celebrations for Queen Elizabeth’s platinum jubilee, 96, in June this year was like an escape. Even now they seem to be in a hurry to leave Britain and its kinship worries behind.

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