Prince William: He reveals sweet bedtime ritual with son Louis

Royal news from around the world in the GALA ticker: Prince William reveals cute detail about bedtime routine with Prince Louis +++ Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are reportedly already planning their next trip.

Royal news from all over the world in the GALA ticker

May 23, 2024

Prince William: This is what his evening routine with Prince Louis looks like

As busy and working members of the Royal Family, Prince William, 41, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, 42, are often on the move and rely on the support of nannies. However, the heir to the throne does not let one beloved ritual with his son Prince Louis, 5, be taken away from him. Apparently he still puts his youngest offspring to bed himself and reads to him before he goes to sleep.

He made the sweet revelation at the garden party at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, May 21, when aspiring author Rowan Aderyn, who is part of the team behind William’s “Homewards” initiative to combat homelessness in Newport, Gwent, presented him with a children’s book he had written himself. According to “Hello”, the story, which is named after the homeless project, is about a boy called Jack who meets a woman experiencing homelessness and wants to help her. William is touched. “This is amazing, so inspiring,” he enthused as he accepted the book, of which there are only ten copies according to the author, and revealed: “I’m going to read it to Louis tonight before he goes to bed.”

At the garden party at Buckingham Palace on May 21, Prince William receives the book written by Rowan Aderyn.

© Yui Mok-WPA Pool / Getty Images

Are Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan already planning their next trip?

At the beginning of May Prince Harry, 39, and Duchess Meghan, 42, took a four-day trip to Nigeria. There they visited various facilities and met politicians as part of the Invictus Games. Although the couple turned their backs on the British royal family in 2020, their trip to Africa was reminiscent of a royal trip in certain respects. Now another country has already expressed interest in a visit by the Sussexes, an insider told the Mirror. “There is already a lot of talk in Ghana and they are very excited for Harry and Meghan to come and experience the great culture and warmth,” the source said.

And continued: “Harry will certainly have no shortage of people to show him around the city and they will surely roll out the red carpet for him and invite some of the best Afro Beats artists to greet him and his family. So perhaps it’s only a matter of time before Harry and Meghan show up.” Whether the dropout royals accept the invitation remains to be seen.

May 21, 2024

King Frederik visits special forces on Bornholm: tactic or coincidence?

King Frederik, 55, is currently full of energy: After completing the traditional Royal Run with his family at various locations in Denmark on Monday, May 20, the monarch surprised everyone with an unannounced visit to the island of Bornholm on the following Tuesday, May 21. There, Frederik took part in “an international NATO exercise […] of the Danish special forces,” as the palace explained shortly afterwards in an Instagram post. It is one of many appointments that the monarch completed in May. One could almost think that it is a deliberate move to silence the critical voices.

In the first three months of his reign, King Frederik was often absent, and several family vacations also attracted negative attention. “The inaccessible royal couple: hiding in the castle,” was the headline in “Se og Hør.” Mary’s empty schedule and her “44-day break” were also met with incomprehension by the Danish newspaper in March. In May, however, the royal couple were almost over-present, completing state visits to Sweden and Norway lasting several days, the Royal Run, other appointments, and now Frederik’s unannounced visit to Bornholm. In the comments section under the palace’s Instagram post, he is certainly being applauded for his efforts – perhaps even by his critics.

Princess Beatrice: She shines at the Chelsea Flower Show

One festive event follows the next for the Royal Family. In addition to the garden parties that the Royal Family currently hosts weekly at Buckingham Palace, the RHS Chelsea Flower Show will also take place from May 21 to 25. Princess Beatrice, 35, was not able to miss the opening of the annual garden show in London, along with numerous guests. She was accompanied by her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, 40, who was clearly delighted by the sight of her.

In his Instagram story, the entrepreneur shares a photo of his sweetheart in a pastel yellow two-piece consisting of a blouse and a midi-length skirt. With the weather being so good, King Charles’ niece, 75, is naturally in a great mood and is beaming as much as the sun. It’s no wonder that her husband Edo has added a painted white heart to the beautiful photo.

May 20, 2024

Prince Christian: Arm in arm with Ida! She was allowed to accompany him to the Royal Run

This year’s Royal Run is a very special event not only for King Frederik, 55: Prince Christian, 18, is also unlikely to forget this day any time soon. While the traditional run is the first in his father’s reign, Christian is allowed to start the event in North Jutland as host for the first time. As the photos show, the heir to the throne is not alone. Both during the run itself and for the pictures afterwards, two people are always by his side: Ida Janum-Riis and Rune Baun Wagner. After the three of them completed the sporting part together, they then posed for a photo together.

Ida Janum-Riis and Prince Christian

During the race itself, the focus is clearly on fun: Ida (left, with high braid) and Christian cross the finish line almost at the same time.

© Dana Press

It is Ida in particular who manages to put on a relaxed smile despite the exertion and even afterwards. Next to Christian and Rune, who are both visibly out of breath, the young Dane is still beaming from ear to ear after the run. As the “Billed Bladet” reports, Ida, Christian and Rune have known each other since the Crown Prince’s 18th birthday in October 2023. At that time, the birthday boy invited young people from various regions of Denmark to the palace, including Ida and Rune. Today, May 20, the two had the task of accompanying the heir to the throne throughout the entire event and showing him everything before the run.

Ida looks almost too relaxed next to Christian and Rune. No wonder, after all, she is a student at the Nordjyllands Idrætshøjskole, the North Jutland Sports Academy.

© Dana Press

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