Prince William: He swings into the saddle for a polo tournament

Prince William
He swings into the saddle for a polo tournament

Prince William at the polo tournament.

© imago / i Images

Prince William played a polo tournament on Friday. He hadn’t been seen holding a bat in a long time.

Prince William (39) took part in a charity polo tournament in Windsor on Friday (July 9th). He collected donations for charities that both he and his wife Duchess Kate (39) support, including the London Air Ambulance and Mountain Rescue England. It’s been a while since the Prince attended a public polo match. According to the US magazine “People” The last tournament was two years ago: In July 2019, William defeated brother Prince Harry’s (36) team at the King Power Royal Match.

Most recently, Prince William had cheered on other players at a sports event: The British Royal was present when the English national football team entered the European Championship final at Wembley Stadium. “What a game, what a result! A great team performance. The whole country will be behind you on Sunday”, tweeted he on Wednesday night after the win. It is very likely that he will also be present at the final on Sunday. In addition, he should follow the women’s tennis final at Wimbledon live with his wife on Saturday.
