Princess Amalia: First words about her time in Madrid

Princess Amalia
First words about your time in Madrid

Princess Amalia

© Dana Press

After Princess Amalia’s safety in her homeland was threatened, she initially went into hiding in Spain. On her father King Willem-Alexander’s birthday, the heir to the throne says her first words about her stay abroad.

Princess Amalia, 20, knows what it means to live in fear. Around a year and a half ago it became known that the daughter of King Willem-Alexander, 57, and Queen Máxima, 52, was being threatened by members of the Mocro Mafia. She fled to Madrid to continue her studies there. Amalia was obviously able to enjoy her time abroad, as she now confirms.

Princess Amalia talks about her stay in Spain

On the traditional King’s Day in Emmen on April 27, 2024, which celebrates her father’s birthday, the 20-year-old didn’t miss the opportunity to come together with her family, including her sisters Princess Alexia, 18, and Princess Ariane, 17, to celebrate. The five were cheered on by the onlookers and Amalia even gave interviews.

In an interview with the Dutch news channel NOS, she speaks for the first time about her stay abroad. “Due to the circumstances, I had to move to Madrid and I have to honestly say that it was a wonderful time that made life here possible and I am very grateful to everyone who made it possible,” explains the 20-year-old . She was “happy to be here again” and was “actually able to find a little more freedom.”

As nice as her stay abroad may have been, Princess Amalia also seems to have longed for her family. “Spain is a really nice experience,” she says, adding: “I’m happy to be here again, because on a beautiful day like today, of course I miss my parents. I miss them a little bit every day.” After all, the distance is great. Meanwhile, Amalia is still working on her Spanish skills. “I speak a little Spanish, but I’m working on it, hopefully it will get better day by day.”

Queen Máxima: “As parents we miss her”

Of course, the spatial separation wasn’t easy for their parents either, but the royal couple could hardly be prouder of their offspring. “She’s an independent girl, a very smart girl, she can handle things very well and I give her a lot of credit for that,” Queen Máxima enthuses about her eldest daughter. “As parents, we miss her, but she has the freedom and the wings that you need to give a child to develop. And we did that too. Every time she left, it was with a crying and a smiling eye.”

Only a few days ago, Willem-Alexander confirmed that the king’s daughter had secretly moved to the Spanish capital. “A visit to Spain is always like a warm hug. A feeling that our eldest daughter, the Princess of Orange, shares with us. Last year, due to circumstances, she was forced to live in Madrid. From there she was able to continue her studies at the University of Amsterdam,” he said in his speech at the state banquet for King Felipe, 56, and Queen Letizia, 51, on April 17.

Sources used: NOS,


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