Princess Anne: Life will be “completely different” without Prince Philip

Princess Anne
Life will be “completely different” without Prince Philip

Princess Anne and Prince Philip in Sandringham in December 2017.

© imago images / Paul Marriott

Princess Anne and Prince Edward will fondly remember Prince Philip as a father. Without him it will be “completely different”.

Princess Anne (70) and Prince Edward (57), two of Prince Philips (1921-2021) four children, have spoken publicly about the death of their father. In the British news program “ITV News” reflected the two on life of the Prince Consort, his qualities as a father and the loving relationship he had with Queen Elizabeth II (94) for decades.

Prince Philip had a “wonderful sense of humor”

“My parents were such fantastic support for each other,” said Prince Edward, the youngest of the four siblings. In his opinion, it was “immensely important” for the couple to “have someone to confide in and with whom you can laugh about things that you might not be able to tell in public.” In general, Prince Philip had a “wonderful sense of humor,” continued the 57-year-old. “Everyone who had the privilege of hearing him speak said it was his humor that always came through, as well as the twinkle in his eyes.”

Of course, Prince Edward would fondly remember his father “for what he did in his public life.” But first and foremost he will remember him “as my father and my mother’s husband” and “all the work he did there”. Princess Anne agreed with her brother: Without her father, Prince Philip, “life will be completely different”.

As the British royal family announced on April 9, Prince Philip died on Friday morning at the age of 99 at Windsor Castle.
