Princess Estelle: She loves to spend her free time with HIM

Princess Estelle
This is how she likes to spend her free time

Princess Estelle

© PPE / imago images

Princess Estelle has official appointments with her parents at irregular intervals, but the heir to the throne spends most of her time privately like a normal ten-year-old. Preferably in the company of Viktor, probably the most unknown member of the Swedish royal family.

While many young girls dream of owning their own horse, Princess Estelle, 10, had her dream come true a few years ago. In 2016, the then four-year-old princess was given the white Welsh pony Viktor, who is now a proud 24 years old. To this day, Estelle still has a crush on her animal best friend and spends most of her free time with him in the barn, according to Swedish newspaper Svensk Damtidning.

Princess Estelle would only like to ride a horse

“Estelle is here to take care of him. She grooms and brushes him and cleans his hooves,” court keeper Ulf Gunnehed reveals to the newspaper. From time to time you can also see Viktor with his little royal owner taking a walk on Strandvägen in Stockholm. “She loves to ride horses. That’s the only thing she does … if she has a choice,” said Princess Victoria, 45, smiling about her daughter last year. In the summer, Viktor is then taken to Solliden on the island of Öland, where Estelle, Prince Oscar, 6, and their six cousins ​​take turns riding during the summer holidays.

Welsh Pony Viktor inspires young and old

Viktor rarely makes public appearances, but a few weeks ago Estelle’s aunt, Princess Madeleine, 40, borrowed her niece’s horse for a special purpose. As part of a campaign organized by the organization “Min Stora Dag” on June 16, 2022 in the royal stables, which was intended to give seriously and terminally ill children a special day, she appeared accompanied by the pony and made the kids very happy.

Princess Madeleine and Viktor on June 16, 2022 in the royal stables.

Princess Madeleine and Viktor on June 16, 2022 in the royal stables.

© Dana Press

Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, 48, have opted for a Welsh pony because this horse breed is considered to be particularly fearless and strong and also has a light temperament to get along well with children. Also, ponies tend to have an innate bounce.

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